We are born of Love; Love is Our Mother.
Baby Love Wrap’s mission is to increase quality time and intimacy between mother and baby. We strongly believe in and encourage the attachment style of parenting which promotes closeness and interaction with your baby. Baby Love Wrap adapts baby-wearing methods that have been used for thousands of years in many countries and societies throughout the world.
Your baby will travel in the most exclusive style and relax in ultimate comfort. Parents create a loving, active relationship with their baby which builds awareness of the world and creates an endless amount of beautiful memories.
Why I Created Baby Love Wrap
I am a very proud mother of two boys and love them with all my heart. I was online one evening, trying to find support because people around me questioned my parenting style so frequently and persistently. I trusted myself, yet the constant inquisitions made me feel the need to seek like-minded mothers with like-minded parenting choices. I didnʼt know the term ‘attachment parenting’ existed until my first son was 5 months old.
From the moment my first child began growing in my belly, I was changed forever. There was little I could have done to prepare for how profoundly my view of the world would change. I wasnʼt around many babies in my life, and I didnʼt have a role model in parenting. I also wasn’t set on any particular style of parenting. I didnʼt know if I would breastfeed, bed share, wear my baby, or anything else, as it pertained to parenting style and choices. I did what everyone does before having a baby; I got the crib, the stroller, the baby carrier, the breast pump, and the bottles. I was prepared for it all, or so I thought.
When he was born, I always wanted him close to me. I found that he was just too far away in a stroller and it just didn’t feel right. I decided to go shopping and find myself a baby carrier…a great one that I could be comfortable in and wear for many hours at a time, if not all day.
After my search for the perfect baby carrier, and not finding anything exceptional in the marketplace, I decided to design and manufacture my own. I did extensive research, on virtually every wrap and carrier out there, and after much deliberation and inspiration, the idea for Baby Love Wrap was born.
I believed I was capable of this feat and creation and decided to take a leap, in order to supply myself and the marketplace with a fashionable, organic and comfortable baby wrap. My son built this business with me. I carried him around in this prototype wrap that I made, which I would soon commercialize. I would coordinate his naps in the wrap around my factory visits every day. He attended meetings with me, while in the wrap, and I never had to leave his side. It was the most special bonding experience for the two of us and I will never forget what we built, together.
I hope you enjoy wearing your baby, connecting your skin and heartbeats, and feeling the Love and attachment, as much as I did.
♥️ Sandy
But there is suffering in life,
and there are defeats.
No one can avoid them.
But it’s better to lose some of the battles
in the struggles for your dreams
than to be defeated without ever knowing
what you’re fighting for.