Daily Diary

The Opportunity in Each Moment

You are right here, right now. Choose to be seen, heard and loved, just as you are, in this moment.

We are given opportunities to become “NEW” in every moment. Our thoughts determine what we hold on to. Our thoughts determine what we are brave enough to let go of. It is a choice to hold on to broken, debilitating thinking, no matter how long it has been a part of our lives. It is also a choice to let that kind of thinking go. We can heal illness, we can cure disorders, diseases, and traumas. We can take steps to completely dissolve the presence of fear. We can choose to trust in something higher, an idea, the divine, and most importantly, the love that cherishes each of us. We can choose to give up and give in, we can choose to retreat and remain idle or we can fight and move forward. These are our choices. Which one will we choose right now; at this moment?

I was asked to write a piece about how I manage and overcome my illness each day. Anyone who knows me is aware that I no longer acknowledge its presence or power in my life. I spent many years suffering. I was hospitalized many times a year. I was limited and bound. I was challenged to the core each time illness decided to attack. I was proactive about a cure, even though I was told there wasn’t one. I searched and searched for answers because I was not going to accept this seemingly ill fate and I was not going to give in to it.

On the outside, I appear strong and calm. You may even believe I am in denial, but I assure you, I am not. I am constantly digging deeper. I am not a victim. I do not feel weak, mentally. Physically, sometimes, yes. I know though that my mental strength has the power to shift what I experience in my body and I explore deeply every day, in order to overcome what so desperately attempts, many times, to take me down.

We are either waiting for excuses or looking for answers. We are either anticipating roadblocks or counting on detours. Many doors will shut on us. Many roads will lead to dead ends. We will hear the word, “NO” many, many more times in our lives. We will face many more challenges. We will possibly believe we are incapable. We will witness death. We will experience heartbreak. We will struggle with the strength to rise some days. We may receive a diagnosis and embrace it as truth or we will receive it and challenge its verity in our thinking. I do not pretend or brush off as if I’m in denial about what seems to exist. In fact, once I do hear or experience something negative, I am so on it in terms of negating any truth of power in and of its existence. The work begins instantly because any challenge we face truly is an opportunity to go higher and deeper. We can choose to give it life and power or we can mentally and spiritually fight and overcome.

My family and I have managed to stay healthy and strong these past few years and we are so very grateful. We have each been confronted with illness recently and we are still working through and kicking its ass. I get so firm at times like these because it is this firmness and insistence upon clear and perfect health that will ease our minds and protect us from harm. I am also firm in my thinking on behalf of my children. We do the hard work to show up and face what we must do with our mental strength in order to heal and overcome. Illness has been one of the precious gifts of my life. It has led me and continues to lead me down a path of deep gratitude and search for peace and healing.

I am so grateful to exercise my trust in God and to count on the love that protects, leads, and guides me each and every step of the way.

Here is to a fresh, new, extraordinary gift of a moment.

May we show up, push through and thrive in it.

♥️ Sandy